And...I only nursed her 3 times today! I've been down to 4 for over a month, but cut out her afternoon feast today. She's finally getting down the whole sippy cup technique and is getting some cow's milk in her tummy. More cow's milk equals less mommy's milk.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
3 Nights...And Counting?
Almost every time that Copper has gone to bed has been by me nursing her to sleep. There were 3 nights within a week about a month ago where she put herself to sleep after nursing (this is in her crib, not in our bed or the guest bed with me laying next to her). I thought then that we were on to something, but it was an anomaly. Our routine is that when she shows signs of being tired, usually between 8-9, I take her to her room and sometimes read a few books, and then she nurses while I read and she falls asleep. I then gently place her in her crib where she sleeps a good 10-12 hours and wakes around 8 am. If she ever wakes up in the process of laying her down, it's back to square one, the boob. Three nights ago Copper ate and ate and then was done and sat up. So I turned off the light and tried rocking her to sleep. She rested her head on my shoulder, let her body relax and then did her crazy yelling thing, "Da! Da! Da!" for 5 minutes. She didn't seem to be getting any closer to sleep so I put her in her bed. She stood at the railing and hugged me for a long time until I turned on her mobile as a distraction. She played with that for a while and then came back over to the railing for some half assed fussing. I brought our chair next to her crib so she knew I was near. I ignored her fussing and it never escalated and after about 10 minutes she laid down and fell asleep. That night I was in her room about an hour. Last night was pretty much the same gig only shorter, 45 minutes. Tonight (drum roll please) was only 20 minutes. She ate, sat up, we hugged, I laid her down with her stuffed Sheepy, covered her with a blanket, gave her a kiss on the forehead, said goodnight, and walked out the door. She was asleep with out fussing within 5 minutes of me leaving. May this be a sign of good things to come.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Learning to Walk
Copper Jo is getting so stinkin' big so stinkin' fast! This is her 1st day using her Y Bike and she has it nailed. She appears to have her fathers ability to pick up any skill and master it quickly. This was shot on Dec 2 and up until then, we have given her minimal opportunity to even use her legs to walk. She would work her way around part of the coffee table and her Grandpa had just recently started holding her hands to help her walk, but I really thought that it would take more than 1 try to figure out her walker. My kid's awesome.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Just the Beginning
Copper seemed to go from crawling to pulling herself up to creating complete chaos in a very short amount of time. Once she learned to crawl she realized that there are no limits to her abilities. Every obstacle is now a challenge that she is determined to overcome. Which means a lot more supervision on our part. This video was shot on November 22 and the next day she was right back up the stairs and she had already perfected her technique. Now every time she's playing in the basement, she heads to the stairs and starts climbing.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Happy 1st Birthday, Copper Jo!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Copper's bottom two chompers finally poked through about a week ago! As anticipated she tried to bite my nipple off. It was actually pretty funny because it happened kind of gradually and she was giving me a menacing look and smiling while she did it. It was hard not to laugh, which is why I did laugh. Luckily it was grandual and she didn't just bite down. Although then my reaction would have been more along the lines of discouraging instead of encouraging. Later that same day she was giving me quite the smooch and bit my lip too. Which she also found pretty funny. Ok, I did too.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Motor Skilz

Time to start baby-proofing

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Do Not Feed The Animals

This morning's feeding frenzy.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Germs, it's what's for dinner
Copper picked up a Cheerio from her tray and reached out to Melvin, who is always hovering around her chair, as if to feed it to him. She didn't let go of the Cheerio. She held it while Melvin gently licked it. She then withdrew the Cheerio and ate it.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
10 Month Stats

Copper had a check-up 3 days after she turned 10 months (Sept 15th) and here are the results:
-Weight: 18 lb, 10 oz (25-50%)
-Height: 29" (75-90%)
-Head: 44.5 cm (50%)
Her head has stayed average, but now she's tall and skinny. The pediatrician suggested I give her more table food to fatten her up. Otherwise she's doing great.
Hobbies include:
-Sliding backwards on her belly
-Giving kisses (it's way freakin cute!)
-Hitting (not so cute)
-Throwing fits when she doesn't get what she wants (also not so cute)
-Feeding Melvin from her high chair
-Pulling herself up onto her knees
Still no teeth. She also has a pretty strong sense of her own personal space and will quickly swat you away if she doesn't want you too close. Or if she doesn't like the food you are offering, which often results in a mess.
Cuteness note: At the doctor Copper took her sock (which was off) and placed it on her foot. She's since done this a few times. Smart kid.
Night Night with Daddy
About a week ago, Copper went to bed without my assistance for the very first time. We're talking 10 and a half months of mommy only putting her down. Almost every single night of her life I have nursed her to sleep. On the nights when she woke up while I carefully attempted to lay her in her crib, I would pick her up, nurse her again, and if that failed, lie down with her in the guest bed until she fell asleep. For 4 nights in a row last week Copper refused to fall asleep while I nursed her. She would eat till I was empty and then struggle to sit back up. I would look at her with annoyance, lay her in her crib in the hopes that just maybe tonight would be the night that she fell asleep by herself in her own bed, listen to her cry and fuss for 10 minutes and then bring her to the guest room and lie down with her. Within 10 minutes each night she would fall asleep. Without the boob. In a way it seems like progress. I believe on the 5th night of this new routine, she woke up when I tried to carry her from the guest bed to her bed. I was a little over this process since it was greatly reducing the amount of alone time I got in the evenings so I brought her downstairs to her TV watching Daddy and suggested he try laying with her in our bed. He was ready for bed and since I'd recently learned that she does not need to be attached to my boobs to fall asleep, it seemed like we may as well try it. Lo and behold, it worked! I laid on the couch and watched TV while Copper snuggled up next to her Daddy and went to bed. An hour later I carefully picked her up and carried her to her bed, where she happily slept through the night as usual. So tonight when Copper finished her final meal of the day and sat up wide eyed I carried her downstairs and handed her to Daddy. I don't hear a sound so it seems like it worked again. Aubrey is finally starting to come in handy.
Friday, September 9, 2011
On the Move
Two days ago Copper pushed herself backwards about 12 feet through my mom's house. Momma's so proud!
Copper's First Injury
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
2-3 Hours

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
21 Minutes
Two nights ago it took me 21 minutes to feed Copper and put her to bed. I believe this is a record. She didn't sqirm or poke my face. She just ate peacefully and fell asleep. I sat for a few minutes and watched her and then gently placed her in bed. Fast forward 2 1/2 hours. As I lay in bed willing myself to sleep, the red lights on her monitor light up as the crying begins. I watch her about 5 minutes as she steadily gets more worked up and then get out of bed at 11. We laid down on the guest bed and I fed her and then she just looked at me. Then she rolled over. Then she rolled onto her back and looked at me. This went on for a while. No crying or sqirming, just peaceful watching. I picked her up and placed her on my tummy. She propped herself up on her arms, smiled at me in the dark, and then lay her head on my chest. After a couple minutes she rolled off and looked at me again. After a hour of her contently not sleeping, we fell asleep spooning. I wish her crib was big enough for both of us and we could fall asleep this way more often.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Happy 9 Months!

(I'm a couple days late. Copper turned 9 months on Friday.
I'm not a bad mom though. I'm just behind on my blogging.)
Copper hasn't had her 9 month appointment yet, so I don't have height and weight stats yet. Should have those by the end of the week.
While the past few months have seemed a bit uneventful with little in the way of new skills, Copper has more than made up for it in the past couple weeks. (Don't get too excited though, she still isn't crawling and still doesn't have any teeth.) She has learned how to clap (I have a video that I've been meaning to post), she sometimes waves goodbye, she gets mad when I take things away from her, and she's finally learning how to control her body. She spins around when she's sitting on her butt and can right herself if she starts to tip over. If she's close to something that she can grab on to, she will try to pull herself to it or pull herself up. She can grab my glasses and pull them off my face in a matter of seconds. Within the past few days she's gotten really good at picking up food and feeding herself. She'll also push my hand away if she doesn't like the baby food I'm feeding her. She enjoys turning light switches on and off. It's been a lot of fun watching her develop so quickly lately.
I do think that she may be getting ready to start crawling. The little bit of time that she is laying on the floor, she rolls all over the place and is always pushing herself up on her hands. In her crib today she even had her knees bent a bit. I'm still not looking forward to the crawling stage of things. I'll have to vacuum all the time as Melvin keeps a pretty steady layer of dog hair on the floors and I'll have to get a gate for the top of the stairs. I also won't be able to let her nap on the bed at my parents anymore. Currently placing pillows on both sides of her keep her from rolling off the bed when she wakes up, but when she can crawl that just won't suffice.
The big 9 month birthday has been a fun one and I look forward to next three months. I can't believe she's almost 1!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
My Favorite Sound
This video is from May 30th, but I just got around to uploading it. It doesn't take much to make Copper laugh and that makes me very happy. Generally hitting of some sort will do the trick. This may be an issue in the future, but for now we're having fun with it.
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Welcome back...I guess
While I knew that this day would come, I was completely in denial that it would be this soon. I could have sworn that I would be menstruation free for the duration of my breastfeeding days. Without letting up at all and Copper solely nursing, I figured I wouldn't start back on the "monthlies" (I got that term from a book I'm reading that takes place in the early to mid 1900s) until the milk production was lightening up. Like many things, I was wrong. Welcome back Aunt Flow. (Heavy sigh.)
Friday, July 22, 2011
Roley Poley
Since I posted Copper's 8 month update, she has since become a rolling fool. Aubrey joked that she will just roll everywhere instead of crawling. Now I have to watch out leaving her on the couch. Twice now she's scootched down onto her back and then rolled onto her stomach while I was in another room. Might be time to eliminate the unsupervised sofa time.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Happy 8 Months!

So, to sum up 8 months:
-No crawling
-No teeth
Hobbies include:
-Laughing hysterically while hitting us in the face or head or touching our noses and mouths
-Grabbing everything within reach and displacing it
-Drinking (sort of) with a sippy cup
-Sleeping through the entire night like a champ
-Rarely falling over while sitting
-Pooping large solid turds
-Making mommy and daddy the happiest parents ever!
Monday, July 11, 2011
A Big Day
I've been waiting many months for Copper to be big enough to sit in the cart. I hate schlepping her damn car seat in to the stores. Thing weighs a ton. Just 2 days shy of her 8 month birthday we made the plunge and strapped her in. She loved it and had no problems at all. Such a big girl.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Sippy Cup

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Something's not right here
I made dinner tonight while wearing Copper in the Baby Bjorn while Aubrey finished playing his video game and then made himself a margarita.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Peach Puree

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
While cleaning the chocolate cake batter off the beaters from my mixer, I had a realization that someday I will no longer be able to lick the bowl. I'll have to let Copper do it. I am not looking forward to that day.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Corn: The New Enemy
About a month ago Copper developed a bunch of really dry spots all over her body. It was right before going in for her 6 month appointment and when I asked the pediatrician about them, she said that it was just "extremely dry skin" and wrote a prescription for cortizone cream. It seemed odd that Copper would all of a sudden get this rash especially since I've never used lotion of her and she's always been fine. Nothing had really changed that would cause the rash either. I went ahead and started lathering her up with a heavy cream and cortizone cream. The rash only got worse. It's really spotty so it just didn't seem right that it was dry skin. When Lucy was around 1 - 1-1/2 she had a really bad rash on her legs due to a dairy allergy. That made me think that maybe Copper was having something similar happening. Copper was due to go back to her NAET doctor to get tested for her dairy allergy so it seemed like a good opportunity to ask about the rash. Dr. Snyder tested her for her dairy allergies and she tested well for them. A little muscle weakness with yogurt and whey, but not enough to need another treatment right now. She did test strongly for a corn allergy which is also a very common food allergy. On Friday she was treated for her corn allergy and I once again went on a restricted diet. No corn products including anything that contained corn starch and corn syrup. I was also supposed to avoid foods with baking soda and baking powder, but that was asking a bit much. You'd be surprised at how many foods have corn products in them. The nurse told me that it was very difficult to avoid corn and to do the best I could. It went pretty well over the weekend with an exception to Lisa's supper party where I ate Derby Pie which is made with corn syrup. Copper went in on Monday morning to get tested again and still tested pretty strong to corn. They did another treatment and I'm still avoiding corn products. Her rash isn't getting any better and the doctor said that it would probably get worse before it clears up. We go in again tomorrow and hopefully she doesn't test for the allergy anymore. And hopefully that is what is causing the skin problem.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
These Days are Numbered

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Must be the fresh Iowa air
Copper had a whole week of first time experiences on our trip back to Iowa. They included:

Rolling over from her stomach onto her back unassisted.

Eating veggies. She very much enjoys carrots.

Going swimming.
Note: This one may not count completely since the water was freezing and she only got her legs wet.

Sitting in a restaurant high chair and eating a slice of lime.

Going to a playground.
Equipment used: swing, teeter totter, rocking horse thingy, and slide
Good job Bug! Growing up so fast.
Copper and I went to a Stroller Strides class on Friday at Wash Park. If you're not familiar it's an outdoor fitness class for mommies and their babies in strollers. It combines cardio and strength training in a circuit format. It was a lot of fun and a great workout. I haven't been this sore in a very long time. Anyways, at the end of the class we were all hanging out with our babies in the grass when a woman came over with her little girl. She noticed how well Copper was sitting up and asked how old she is. Turns out that her girl is 1 day older than Copper, but hasn't mastered sitting up very well. I asked her how she does with crawling and she said that she is doing well and can get up on her hands and knees. She then put her girl on the ground and sure enough she immediately propped herself up. I expressed my amazement and then showed her Copper's lack of progress. I placed Copper on her belly and with pudgy little arms splayed out to both sides and laying flat on her belly with the side of her face plastered to the matt she started to fuss. Sitting up...check. Learning to It was interesting to see so many babies and the range of their abilities. I'm not the least bit concerned about Copper's lack of interest in crawling. It'll all come together soon enough.
Friday, May 27, 2011
6 Months - A bit belated

Hobbies include:
- Sucking on orange peels (her favorite)
- Doing everything that she did at 5 months only better and longer
I hoped to report that she was walking by now, but unfortunately it hasn't happened yet.
Also at 6 months she has developed patches of dry skin. I haven't used lotion on her ever (except for her chin) and now I have to lather her up a couple times a day with heavy cream.
It seems like she didn't develop as many new skills from 5 months to 6 months. She just does them all better now.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
That's what I get.
I've been bragging lately about how I haven't had a clogged duct in weeks. I was getting nasty clogged ducts that left half my right boob feeling like a bruised rock every 3-4 days for over a month. I was convinced that I would just have to deal with them for the rest of my breastfeeding days. Then all of a sudden I didn't get them anymore. Now that I opened my mouth and shouted with joy that I have been cured, they've come back. I was convinced that the breastfeeding gods were testing me and I had prevailed. Guess I should have knocked on wood. Stupid boob.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Time to lower the bed

Note: Copper turned 6 months old on Thursday. I haven't posted her 6 month update yet because I left her weight, height, etc. paperwork at the pediatrician's yesterday. I'll post the update when the paperwork comes in the mail.
Being Creative

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day to ME!
Copper woke up with a wonderful present for me this morning; a big ol' nasty poopy diaper. Melvin came inside covered in grass which I then had to brush off. I kept looking around for a regurgitated hairball from Flea, but she must have forgot it was Mother's Day. Joking aside, it really was a pretty cool day and nothing that special even took place. Now that I'm a mama, Mother's Day has taken on a whole new meaning. Sorry, mom, but today was all about me. Copper and I slept in until 11 (maybe she did realize what today was) and spent the day hanging out and running a few errands. (One of which was getting the kiddo her very own adirondack chair.) Aubrey got me Einstein's for breakfast and a huge bag of Jelly Bellys. Thanks Bumpkins! It was a great day to reflect on what an amazing honor it is to be Copper's mommy. Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, April 28, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Socializing: Part II
For a whole day after my last post I felt great about our new social freedom. Then I got an e-mail from Kellie rallying the girls to get together for dinner. I immediately panicked. I can't go out to dinner at a restaurant without Copper. Aubrey would kill me. She's generally a bit more emotional in the evenings and I could only be gone for about 1.5 hours tops. When Kellie asked if 5:30 works for everyone, I responded that I would need a guarantee that we were seated immediately, our food would be served immediately after ordering and I could only stay for an hour. I wrote it as a joke, but it is actually the truth. If I fed Copper at 4:45, left the house by 5:05, got to the restaurant at 5:30, I would need to leave by 6:15, maybe 6:30, in order to get home in time for a total baby hunger meltdown. That would allow me about 45 minutes to sit and gab with the girls and eat. With that timeframe I would probably have to get my food to go. I guess that I don't have quite as much social freedom as I thought. Good thing Copper is so damned cute because I really enjoy having dinner with the girls. Maybe next time ladies.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
When Copper was little, well littler, going to see friends in the evening was not a big deal. The kid didn't go to bed before 2am anyways so we didn't see a problem with staying out with her. Now she has a bedtime and God forbid we stray from it for even one night. About a month ago we were invited to watch the fights on a Saturday night at a friend's house and we turned it down because we were getting into a good routine with Copper's bedtime and we didn't want to disrupt it. In hindsight, we should have said "screw it" and went anyways. Is one night really going to do that much harm? Last weekend we did accept an offer to have dinner at a friend's place and we stayed until 10. Did Copper suddenly become a devil child because of a missed bedtime? Nope. She rocked it out. She was great the entire evening and quietly fell asleep in my arms while we all chatted away. When we got home I changed and fed her and was able to quickly get her into her bed. She was great the next day too. We're slowly learning how to modify our lives to include the little one. It's generally not as bad as we think it'll be.
Tummy Time

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Happy 5 Months!

Copper Jo (aka Bug) turned 5 months old today!
She weighed in at an impressive 17 pounds! In case you were wondering, that'a a gain of about 3 pounds in about a month! Holy growth spurt! Guess that's why she's pretty much outgrown all of her 3-6 month clothes and is starting to fit nicely into 6-9 month clothes.
Hobbies now include:
- Yelling
- Playing with her feet
- Rolling onto her side
- Sitting up unassisted (and then falling over)
- Playing with toys
- Grabbing everything within reach, and
- Putting everything into her mouth
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Moving Day
With a bit of encouragement from Aubrey, we decided to have Copper sleep in her room last night. I was running out of excuses as to why she couldn't sleep in there, i.e. the stencils on her dresser weren't painted, the crib skirt wasn't sewn, there wasn't a rug, I hadn't started her bumper, the valences weren't sewn...the list goes on and on. None of them serious reasons for her to not sleep in her room, but valid enough excuses for me. What was crazy about the decision was that as soon as it was made, I was okay with it. She had napped in there Friday and Saturday and didn't have any adverse side effects, so I was willing to try it out. I also thought that I would NEED to sleep in the guest room just in case she started screaming bloody murder, but since she did well with her naps I didn't feel the necessity any more. I got the video monitor set up Saturday afternoon and made sure there weren't any monsters under her bed or in the closet. I put her to bed about 8:30ish last night and she happily snoozed the night away. She made a few little noises throughout the night, but nothing serious. This morning around 6:00, we woke to the sound in the monitor of her farting and pooping. It was pretty funny. I went up stairs and sang our good morning song, just like I do every morning and she smiled at me just like she does every morning.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
I'm a Mom
Every so often I have these strong feelings where I realize whole heartedly that I am a mom. The feelings don't overwhelm me or frighten me, they just kind of stop me and remind me of my new role in life. I have a baby. I am a mom. Someday I will hold my daughter's hand as we walk to school. I will buy her her first bra and talk to her about sex. I will hate her boyfriends. I will watch her fall and encourage her to always try again. I will help with her homework. She will give me grandkids. It's just so crazy how much changed when she was born. All of it for the better. I'm just glad that I'm at a place in my life when it made perfect sense to have a baby and that I'm 100% ready to do everything in my power to be the best mom that I can be.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Time for her crib
I never would have thought that I would be the type of mom who would have their baby sleep in my room for 5 months. When I was pregnant I assumed that I would be kicking her out of our room after about a month. I had a hard time kicking her out of our bed after a month. Given that Copper has about 4 inches of clearance in her mini pack n play that she currently sleeps in next to our bed, it's about time to move her into her own room. This would also allow Aubrey and I to be able to talk to each other at night and allow Aubrey to let his alarm clock go off in the morning. I believe that I no longer have concerns over her safety at night and she only wakes up once a night to eat. I do like the convenience of just picking her up and laying back in bed to feed her. When she sleeps in her room I'll have to go all the way upstairs (which I actually do every night anyways since I always have to pee and we don't have the downstairs bathroom finished yet) and feed her in a chair in her room. Doing that will probably help me be quicker about getting her, and me, back to bed though. I currently let her eat/hold her for 20 minutes to an hour. I told Aubrey that within the next couple weeks I would have her sleeping in her room. We joke that I'll sleep upstairs the first few nights that she's in her room, but the reality is is that I will definitely sleep upstairs those first few nights. She spends time in her crib, but has never really slept in it. I just want to be close so that when she does wake up she realizes that I am still close by. I will miss waking up in my bed and being able to see her and talk to her while she's in her bed next to me. I always sing a little "good morning" song to her while we're both still lying down when she wakes up. Now I'll have to get my ass out of bed, get dressed, and climb a flight of stairs before I can sing our song.
She Likes It!
My sister-in-law Rian had suggested that I try feeding Copper some cereal with boobie milk since she wasn't overly found of veggies. So last night I mixed up rice cereal with some milk that was pumped at 4:30am (when my clogged duct decided to release itself) and gave it a go. And by golly, she liked it! She fended off my first few attempts, but once she realized it was her favorite meal/snack/drink/dessert, she decided to open up and eat. Most of it made it into her tummy and not all over her face and bib. Tonight we tried it again and she ate it again. Our little girl is growing up so fast.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Quote of the Day
"Huh. I must have slept through that one."
While feeding Copper a couple nights ago I told Aubrey that I needed to get her to eat from both sides so that she'd be good and full before going to bed. I said that I was tired of getting up a 2 am to feed her. Aubrey responded that she had done really well the night before since she didn't wake up until 6:30. The "Quote of the Day" was his response to me telling him that 6:30 was the second time she woke up that night. That she also woke up at 1:30 am and needed to be fed.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Copper no like green beans

Sunday, March 13, 2011
4 Months - Green Beans
Copper turned 4 months old on Saturday! The night before we celebrated with green beans. Our pediatrician recommended getting her started on baby food and I need to get probiotics in her somehow (for her food allergy issue). Since she won't take a bottle, she has to get them in baby food. I don't think that any of the beans actually made it into her tummy, but I assume this skill takes a bit of time to learn. The second day of trying ended up much like the first...with a lot of green beans on her bib.

At 4 months, Copper weighs 14.18 oz (50-75%), is 25.25" long (75-90%), and her head is 40.5cm (50%). Tall and skinny like her daddy?
She has learned how to spit and has discovered her tongue (see below).
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Don't forget to vote
I had posted a survey to the left asking you to vote for who Copper Jo Jo looks like, but apparently either only 2 people read my blog (Aubrey being one of them) or no one noticed the survey.
It's just not fair
It's 7:30 am and Copper is still sleeping. She went down about 8:30 last night and has barely made a peep since. I should be happy right? So why the title "It just not fair"? Because I was up at 6:15 with my right boob as hard as a rock with yet another massive clogged duct. After an hour of pumping, massage, hot compress, and prayer to the breastfeeding gods it came unstuck and I produced enough milk to feed a small army of infants. Okay, it was only 7 ounces, but that's a lot of milk to put in 1 "A" cup booby.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I hold Copper...a lot.
Copper pretty much falls asleep every time I feed her. Since she is a total pill to get to fall asleep outside of nursing, I often sit with her for 30 minutes to 1+ hours while she sleeps. (I admit, sometimes even much longer.) I never thought that I would be that mom that is always holding their baby. I have the luxury of spending that time with Copper and it's only a very short time frame of our lives that I'll be able to do it. Her face looks completely different when she's asleep in my arms. Time kind of stops when I'm holding her. My to-do list becomes less important, phone calls can wait, everything that I could be doing can wait. I wish that Aubrey could have the same experience (minus the breastfeeding of course). I'm sure that there will be some issues with getting her to fall asleep on her own at night, but I'm willing to pay the price to be able to have so much Mommy-Copper time. I will never feel guilty that I didn't hold my baby enough. She is my #1 priority. My life revolves around her right now and I'm okay with that.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Is that necessary
Is it really necessary to have something as nasty as Mastitis around to screw with breastfeeding? A woman's body has this powerful ability to provide all the nourishment a baby will need in it's first year + of life. What are we rewarded with? Clogged ducts and painful breast infections. About 2 weeks ago I found myself with a painful right nipple. I assumed that it was an infection (I know better now) and called my midwife. She asked me if I had a number of other symptoms, which I did not. She said it sounded like I was starting to get a plugged duct and told me a few things to do to prevent that from happening. A couple days later I found myself with a very hard boob and Googling phrases such as "breastfeeding white spot." That Google search led me to the bathroom where I proceeded to stick a small needle into the "white spot" on my nipple. Sounds kind of gross, but man did it do the trick. Milk came streaming out of that little sucker and I no longer had a clogged duct. A couple days later I had an even harder boob, but this time there was no "x marks the spot" place to relieve the pressure. I applied hot compress, forced Copper to nurse on it constantly, massaged, and pleaded with my boob to release the goods. Finally at the very last feeding of the day when my mood could get no moodier, I felt the steady stream of sweet milk running down my stomach. Ahh, relief. A few days later, the most sore, hard, 4 times larger than her twin, boob ever. Copper ate and I pumped and still it felt terrible. As the day progressed so did the pain. I longed for the day when I thought I had an infection because my nipple kind of hurt. Little did I know that this was just the beginning. I called my midwife again and explained that I was pretty sure that this time it was an infection. She asked if I was achy or running a fever. Nope. She gave me some things to do help ward off an infection and told me to call her if I developed a fever and felt like "you've been hit by a mack truck." I called her the next morning. I don't like antibiotics. They're harsh. But I couldn't wait to lay my hands on those little suckers. Luckily my mom was kind enough to pick them up from the pharmacy for me. I had a 100-101 fever and felt like I had a really bad flu. To top if off, I cried out in pain when Copper would nurse. I would compare the pain of breastfeeding with Mastitis to contractions pain. No joke. I was barely functioning for three days and fairly useless on the 4th 'cause I was still so tired. I just finished my 5th day of antibiotics (out of 10) and am feeling much better. Nursing causes only an initial twinge of pain and my boob is back to it's normal size. I'm now also taking a supplement called Lecithin that is supposed to help with lubricating the milk ducts. I will take them religiously the remainder of my breastfeeding time. I do not ever want to experience Mastitis again. It can kiss my ass.
Monday, February 14, 2011
3 Months Old

Here's what she's up to:
- She can support her own weight standing (balancing is of course another story)
- She has started to reach for objects with her hands
- She can easily put her hands into her mouth and suck on all fingers at the same time
- For the past couple weeks she has been able to watch people and follow them as they move around a room
- She started laughing
- She now weighs about 13lbs 4oz (or so)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Quote of the Day
"Make time for yourself."
-Dove Chocolate Wrapper
(I ate 2 Dove Milk Chocolate candies today and both had the same message.
I think it's trying to tell me something.)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
VooDoo Doctor

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
35 Pounds in 3 Months. Word.
About a week ago I decided to flatter myself and try on a pair on my pre-preggo jeans. And low and behold, they slid right on! No sucking it in, thinking thin, or unsightly muffin top. I am officially back in my old pants. While I am only about 5 pounds shy of losing my baby weight, my body is not quite the same. I think that breastfeeding is making the weight come off without my knowing it, but putting the muscle back on will take a bit more effort. I am still avoiding my form fitting shirts, but at least my wardrobe is getting a little more diverse. As far as working out, I now completely understand Kellie's post baby request for 30 minute workouts. Last week (during my one workout all week) I attempted to complete a whole session of P90X Kenpo. Copper happily watched me punch and kick the air for about 25 minutes and then lost interest and started yelling at me. I finished up the last 15 minutes of the workout about an hour later. A few weeks ago while attempting to ride my bike on the trainer for 30 minutes, I had to listen to Copper give her father hell for the last 25 minutes of my ride. That allowed me 5 minutes of "a little time for myself" riding and 25 minutes of "sorry honey, I'm almost finished" riding.
Monday, February 7, 2011
It's just temporary

This is one of the positions we used while eating out Saturday night. The other was me standing and holding her. Can't get upset though. She won't always be like this.
After I left to go to the car and feed her (I did feed her RIGHT before going out to eat) a woman came up to Aubrey and told him that she really enjoyed watching our little girl. They have become grandparents to 5 kids in the past 4 years. She also asked if I had a chance to eat my dinner. I did, I just don't remember tasting it. Aubrey pretty much held her the entire time he ate. Like I always say, "Good thing she's cute."
Friday, February 4, 2011
Aubrey has been back to work now for the past 4 weeks. We now know what it feels like to be parents in the real world. The first 2 months we had so much flexibility since Aubrey wasn't working and I only worked a bit. Now that Aubrey needs to be in bed by 9:00 and is tired in the evenings our roles as parents have changed. The first week he went back to work was brutal. I wanted to write angry blog posts every night, but never had the time. We were working at getting Copper to bed sooner (which wasn't always easy) and I no longer had the extra help at night. I still have the flexibility in the mornings with my wake up time, so Copper duty is all on me now. Also, we had been away from our house for 2 weeks and when we got back it was all about getting ready for Christmas with my family. My house was a disaster and I couldn't find the time anywhere to get anything done. I've always had the moto, "Organized house = organized mind." I had a very disorganized house (and quite dirty) and a high maintenance baby who refused to let me get anything done and I was also back to work. At the weekend of that first week I managed to get the house cleaned and my head screwed back on and things were looking up again. Fast forward 3 weeks and I am blogging at 12:15 in the morning on a work night because it's the only chance I've had to blog. My house is once again a complete disaster and disgustingly dirty. I took yesterday off and got a lot of much needed chores accomplished, but am far from having everything crossed off my list. I struggle with going night after night of accomplishing nothing. I don't want to be the mom that passes off the kid to daddy the moment he walks in the door because I've had her all day. Aubrey still needs his down time after working hard all day. Copper's not always the happiest baby in the evenings. With breastfeeding, I generally feel like my whole evening is spent with her stuck to my boobs. I pretty much get home from work, feed her, eat and then feed her again before I start the long process of getting her to fall asleep. Our goal is to eventually get her to bed by 7:30 or 8:00 so that Aubrey and I can enjoy some time together and after he goes to bed I can have my own alone time. While there were a few nights we were able to get Copper down by 9-9:30 and she would stay asleep, this whole week it's been 1.5 hours plus of feeding her just so she can wake up 30 minutes after I put her to bed. After a crazy Monday this week I decided to take a bath after putting Copper to bed at 9:30. About 10 minutes into my bath I could hear her crying and eventually Aubrey brought her upstairs. I got out of my hot bubble bath and went downstairs to feed her again. At 11:30 I put her back in her bed and came back upstairs to drain my tub and take a shower. Not the evening I had intended. Tonight for example, Copper clung to by boob for almost 2 hours and still woke up and fussed when I put her to bed. My alone time didn't start until after 10:30 and then it was spent working on our budget and getting tax stuff ready for our accountant. Since it's already later than shit, I figured I'd finally write that angry blog post that's been on my list of things to do for 4 weeks.
Monday, January 24, 2011
I jinxed it
I bragged to my girlfriends on Saturday that Copper was sleeping through the entire night. I swore that it wasn't a fluke. The child went 5 nights in a row. Apparently I spoke too soon. She was up from 4 to 5:30 Sunday morning (pooped twice) and up this morning from 5 - 7 (again pooped twice). Please let her sleep till 8 tomorrow. Like in the good ol' days.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Green Poop
Don't worry, I don't have a picture to go with this post. Although I am given numerous opportunities to get one if you need a visual. A little over a week and a half ago Copper's poop turned green. I thought that maybe it was from the chili that I ate the night before, but it never went back to the weird, but normal, yellow. Pretty soon along with the change in color, also came some variations in texture and frequency. We're talking 8-10 poopy diapers a day! I got online and googled "green baby poop" and found many sites that talked about and showed pictures of baby poop. One cause of green poop can be not enough "hind" milk, but I dismissed that prognosis since I always feed her on one side only each feeding. The other cause is dairy in my diet. I wasn't thrilled to be reading that especially after my sister-in-law, Rian, brought up eliminating dairy while we were in Texas. Copper is a bit of a fussy baby and Rian had asked if she is always fussy and the answer to that is "yes." I wouldn't say that she's colicky since it's pretty easy to make her happy again and it's usually not a super serious cry, but she is pretty high maintenance. Dairy allergies are a pretty common cause of a fussy baby. Copper had a doctor's appointment last Friday and she seemingly on cue provided a stool sample. I had never seen blood in her poo, but the doctor ran a test on it and there is blood in her poo. The doctor then asked if she was a fussy baby (we were having this conversation over Copper's crying). When you combine fussy with green bloody pooh, you most likely have a baby with food allergies. Lucy had/has an allergy to the proteins in milk and it's possible that Copper does too. The doctor suggested that I elliminate dairy, nuts, fish, and soy from my diet for about 5 days to see if there is a change in Copper's mood and poo. There is a certain protein that is in all of these foods that baby's can be allergic to. If you weren't aware, I LOVE dairy. Milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese...these are some of my favorite foods! I was bummed that I wouldn't be able to drink milk with pizza (my favorite combo) when I realized that it wouldn't matter since I wouldn't be able to eat pizza to begin with. Heavy sigh. It's been 2 days now without all of those wonderful foods and so far there hasn't been much of a change. I'm now aware that Copper's crazy little fits are most likely stomach aches since they are generally followed by an explosion in her pants. She may be a little less fussy, but it's hard to tell. While I'm not thrilled about eliminating so many wonderful foods from my diet, I do hope that this takes care of her discomfort and constant poops. If it is going to be a long term adjustment, we'll look in to alternative ways to eliminate the allergies. I plan on breastfeeding until she's at least one and that's about 10 months away. Asking me to not eat dairy is like asking me to forgo dessert after dinner. It will be a long, hard journey. But hopefully the rewards will far outweigh the sacrifice. Anything to make my little girl happy.
Monday, January 17, 2011
The past two nights Copper has slept through the ENTIRE night! No boobie break or anything! She's been a pretty decent sleeper for quite a while now, but it's just gotten better. I hope that I'm not jinxing the situation, but is it possible that we may never have to deal with breaking her of a early morning feeding? Before she slept about 4-6 hours and then she would start stirring and I would eventually just get her up and change and feed her, but the last two nights she slept soundly for over 9 hours straight. There is one downside to this though...I start waking up around 6am because my boobs feel like they're going to explode. I then wake up about every 20-30 minutes to see if she's awake yet to eat. Wait, there's two downsides. The other is that when she does wake up and eat, I still have to pump. I spend close to an hour sitting in bed dealing with boobie milk in the morning now. Thank God I don't have to be to work early.
Up until about 1 1/2 weeks ago, Copper had never gone to bed before midnight. We tried every night to get her down early, but she would always wake up within 10-15 minutes and start fussing. Since we're new parents and hate hearing our precious little girl cry, we would always pick her up and try again 2 hours later at her next feeding. When I told her pediatrician about this, she bluntly told us to let her cry. This advice came from a few other sources over the net week also. The pediatrician wanted us to put her down at 7:30 and while that hasn't worked so far, we are now getting her down before 10 every night (with the exception of last night which was closer to midnight due to a late and long afternoon nap). I still don't like to hear her cry, but I managed to listen to a full hour of half assed fussing last night before I finally pulled her out of bed and changed and fed her again. I knew that after an hour of fussing she had most likely spit up (twice actually) and had a foot stuck up in the leg part of her PJs (both actually). Also by this time it had been about 1 1/2 hours since her last feeding. I was proud of myself for letting her fuss for so long, but the serious crying I can't handle. It's too intense for us to ignore. The nights we've tried putting her down at 7:30 or 8 has always ended in "serious crying" and we always pick her up. There is no way that I could let her wail like that with her little quivering chin for longer than it takes me to get to her bed and pick her up. Tonight we got her down at 9:15 with minimal fussing.

This is what I most look forward to at the start of my day. She is all smiles the moment I pop my head over her crib and say "good morning."
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Quote of the Day
"Hi Copper. It's me, Lucy."
A few days ago Copper was sitting in her bouncer in the office. Lucy came in and squatted down in front of her and started talking to her. After introducing herself a few times, she then pulled down a wooden necklace that always hangs in the office and showed it to Copper telling her what it is. It was crazy cute. I can't wait for the girls to get older and be able to play together.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Soon, I Swear
I swear that I'll get LOTS of pictures posted soon. The subject of this blog keeps me very busy and my computer time is often very limited. Not to mention that we were just in Texas for 2 weeks. Busy, busy!
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