Friday, February 22, 2013


Copper has mostly quit napping at a reasonable hour. It pretty much ended when she got off the boob since that was my main way of putting her down for nap. Naps at work are non existent and we're shooting about 60 percent at home. On the drive home from work around 5 is Copper's favorite time to sleep. That's when she is finally really tired. Today she seemed tired so I tried putting her down around 2:30, but she just got up and explained, "Not tired yet". That was that. It's now about 5:30 and Copper put herself down for a nap. She came into the kitchen about 10 minutes ago and said, "Tired now". I just checked on her and sure enough she is in bed, covered up, has the door closed, and is sleeping. Aubrey and I don't really care for late naps because it means that she is up until 9 or 10 wanting our attention. We prefer 7:30-8 bed time. After she's down it is our veg out-TV time. Mama's tired tonight so I may have to wake sleeping beauty up from her precious nap in a few minutes.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mama, Poop.

We've been half assed working on potty training Copper for a few months now. She's been very receptive to using her toilet, but only uses it when her diaper is off. So, she spends a lot of time naked from the waste down. While she's running about a 75-85% success rate at making it to her potty to do her business, there are those moments when she gets caught up in the moment and well, shit happens.

(Note: No, that is not poop around her mouth. Yes, that is poop on the baby dolls arm.)


I went in for my 12 week appointment today for my initial exam and to hear the heartbeat. Aubrey was able to join me this time and Copper came with too. At the birthing center, your appointments will have a different midwife at each visit so that you can meet them all since you don't know who will be on call when you deliver. Luckily we had Laura today who had delivered Copper! It was really cool to see her again and for her to meet Copper. It was also a nicer personal experience since she was with us at delivery. It took a little while to find the heartbeat and then we she did, it was layered with my heartbeat. Which was actually kind of cool. Heart rate was at 170 so all is good. My next appointment is in 4 weeks on March 6.