Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Night Night with Daddy

About a week ago, Copper went to bed without my assistance for the very first time. We're talking 10 and a half months of mommy only putting her down. Almost every single night of her life I have nursed her to sleep. On the nights when she woke up while I carefully attempted to lay her in her crib, I would pick her up, nurse her again, and if that failed, lie down with her in the guest bed until she fell asleep. For 4 nights in a row last week Copper refused to fall asleep while I nursed her. She would eat till I was empty and then struggle to sit back up. I would look at her with annoyance, lay her in her crib in the hopes that just maybe tonight would be the night that she fell asleep by herself in her own bed, listen to her cry and fuss for 10 minutes and then bring her to the guest room and lie down with her. Within 10 minutes each night she would fall asleep. Without the boob. In a way it seems like progress. I believe on the 5th night of this new routine, she woke up when I tried to carry her from the guest bed to her bed. I was a little over this process since it was greatly reducing the amount of alone time I got in the evenings so I brought her downstairs to her TV watching Daddy and suggested he try laying with her in our bed. He was ready for bed and since I'd recently learned that she does not need to be attached to my boobs to fall asleep, it seemed like we may as well try it. Lo and behold, it worked! I laid on the couch and watched TV while Copper snuggled up next to her Daddy and went to bed. An hour later I carefully picked her up and carried her to her bed, where she happily slept through the night as usual. So tonight when Copper finished her final meal of the day and sat up wide eyed I carried her downstairs and handed her to Daddy. I don't hear a sound so it seems like it worked again. Aubrey is finally starting to come in handy.


  1. Hi! I'm Mary, Whitney's friend. Whit and Chicken (Chris) are my son's God parents. Whitney showed me your blog right after Copper was born - she's adorable! I just wanted to tell you about a book I've liked. It's called "The Sleep Lady's Good Night Sleep Tight". It was recommended to me by my lactation consultant. It has been a great help to us at bedtime! (My son is almost 6 months old.)

  2. Hi Mary-Thanks for the suggestion! She fell asleep and stayed asleep tonight after nursing. Which is what she does 95% of the time. She sleeps about 10-12 hours a night straight through. I would however like for someone else to be able to put her to bed (give mommy and daddy a nice night out) and I'll keep this book in mind for when I can't take it anymore. Thanks for following the blog. Hope that your little guy is a good night time baby.
