(I'm a couple days late. Copper turned 9 months on Friday.
I'm not a bad mom though. I'm just behind on my blogging.)
Copper hasn't had her 9 month appointment yet, so I don't have height and weight stats yet. Should have those by the end of the week.
While the past few months have seemed a bit uneventful with little in the way of new skills, Copper has more than made up for it in the past couple weeks. (Don't get too excited though, she still isn't crawling and still doesn't have any teeth.) She has learned how to clap (I have a video that I've been meaning to post), she sometimes waves goodbye, she gets mad when I take things away from her, and she's finally learning how to control her body. She spins around when she's sitting on her butt and can right herself if she starts to tip over. If she's close to something that she can grab on to, she will try to pull herself to it or pull herself up. She can grab my glasses and pull them off my face in a matter of seconds. Within the past few days she's gotten really good at picking up food and feeding herself. She'll also push my hand away if she doesn't like the baby food I'm feeding her. She enjoys turning light switches on and off. It's been a lot of fun watching her develop so quickly lately.
I do think that she may be getting ready to start crawling. The little bit of time that she is laying on the floor, she rolls all over the place and is always pushing herself up on her hands. In her crib today she even had her knees bent a bit. I'm still not looking forward to the crawling stage of things. I'll have to vacuum all the time as Melvin keeps a pretty steady layer of dog hair on the floors and I'll have to get a gate for the top of the stairs. I also won't be able to let her nap on the bed at my parents anymore. Currently placing pillows on both sides of her keep her from rolling off the bed when she wakes up, but when she can crawl that just won't suffice.
The big 9 month birthday has been a fun one and I look forward to next three months. I can't believe she's almost 1!
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