Sunday, April 17, 2011


When Copper was little, well littler, going to see friends in the evening was not a big deal. The kid didn't go to bed before 2am anyways so we didn't see a problem with staying out with her. Now she has a bedtime and God forbid we stray from it for even one night. About a month ago we were invited to watch the fights on a Saturday night at a friend's house and we turned it down because we were getting into a good routine with Copper's bedtime and we didn't want to disrupt it. In hindsight, we should have said "screw it" and went anyways. Is one night really going to do that much harm? Last weekend we did accept an offer to have dinner at a friend's place and we stayed until 10. Did Copper suddenly become a devil child because of a missed bedtime? Nope. She rocked it out. She was great the entire evening and quietly fell asleep in my arms while we all chatted away. When we got home I changed and fed her and was able to quickly get her into her bed. She was great the next day too. We're slowly learning how to modify our lives to include the little one. It's generally not as bad as we think it'll be.

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