We gave up trying to get Copper to take a bottle about 4-5 months ago. Now it's not worth it at all to even try since they have to give up the bottle at 1 year. So we're starting early with sippy cups. I've just been putting water in them for now since I don't want to waste my precious stock of booby milk while she works the kinks out of her technique. Surprisingly, she's taken to it pretty quick. She gets that she has to open her mouth for the spout and she even started sucking and drinking after about 3 tries. She does best when we're holding the cup, but she also gets the idea of holding it herself. We have to put a lot of water in it since she has to tip it back so far to drink. That seems to be the harder part for her. Maybe someday I won't be her only source of milk. Maybe.
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