Copper had a check-up 3 days after she turned 10 months (Sept 15th) and here are the results:
-Weight: 18 lb, 10 oz (25-50%)
-Height: 29" (75-90%)
-Head: 44.5 cm (50%)
Her head has stayed average, but now she's tall and skinny. The pediatrician suggested I give her more table food to fatten her up. Otherwise she's doing great.
Hobbies include:
-Sliding backwards on her belly
-Giving kisses (it's way freakin cute!)
-Hitting (not so cute)
-Throwing fits when she doesn't get what she wants (also not so cute)
-Feeding Melvin from her high chair
-Pulling herself up onto her knees
Still no teeth. She also has a pretty strong sense of her own personal space and will quickly swat you away if she doesn't want you too close. Or if she doesn't like the food you are offering, which often results in a mess.
Cuteness note: At the doctor Copper took her sock (which was off) and placed it on her foot. She's since done this a few times. Smart kid.
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