Thursday, June 21, 2012

So Smart

A couple weeks ago Copper and my dad were out back and Copper wanted to swing. The swing was hot from being in the sun and my dad told her the swing was too hot. That was all he said. So Copper went back into the house, grabbed the hand towel from the kitchen, and went back out to give it to Paca to put on the swing. We were both amazed. My mom had used a towel a couple weeks before that when the swing was hot. It amazes me everyday what she understands and remembers. Even though we don't understand much of what she says, she understands most of what we say to her.

Another example...Copper had a mechanical pencil and tried to write on Aubrey's arm. It of course hurt and we told her that was "ouchy" and that she needs to write on paper and not daddy's arm with mechanical pencils. So she left the room and came back a minute later with a piece of paper from the desk drawer in the office. So stinkin' brilliant!


About 2-3 weeks ago we realized that we can negotiate with Copper. Generally when she loudly and insistently requests to get down from her chair while eating, we'd just have to get her down and then try to get her to finish her food later. Now we can say, "Eat these 3 blackberries and then you can get down." Quickly the blackberries are in her mouth.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We had to give Copper Jo medication for the first time in her life tonight. She made it 19 months and 7 days drug free. Copper had a really good day today with minimal fussing. She was super laid back and content to just lounge around. For a good part of the day she was super hot though. It was also about 100 degrees out today. Finally at about 7:00 we took her temperature and sure enough she had a fever. 101.5. We willingly gave our little lady her first dose of Advil and an hour later her temperature was back to normal. I kind of liked her fevered demeanor though. It was a nice break from the crazy needy baby I'm used to.