Sunday, July 31, 2011


It took almost 11 months to complete Copper's crib bumper. I am rarely able to see a task through from beginning to end in one sitting since Copper's birth. The bumper was no exception. A job that once would have taken me a couple evenings took over 15 separate tries to get it done. She faired just fine without it, but the fabric is so damn cute I wanted to finish it just to be able to see the fabric every day.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Welcome back...I guess

While I knew that this day would come, I was completely in denial that it would be this soon. I could have sworn that I would be menstruation free for the duration of my breastfeeding days. Without letting up at all and Copper solely nursing, I figured I wouldn't start back on the "monthlies" (I got that term from a book I'm reading that takes place in the early to mid 1900s) until the milk production was lightening up. Like many things, I was wrong. Welcome back Aunt Flow. (Heavy sigh.)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Roley Poley

Since I posted Copper's 8 month update, she has since become a rolling fool. Aubrey joked that she will just roll everywhere instead of crawling. Now I have to watch out leaving her on the couch. Twice now she's scootched down onto her back and then rolled onto her stomach while I was in another room. Might be time to eliminate the unsupervised sofa time.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy 8 Months!

Copper Jo Jo turned 8 months old today! She's getting so big and even cuter every day. I didn't do a 7 month post because not much had changed since 6 months. Really, not much has changed still. She's getting bigger and her coordination and motor skills are getting more refined, but she hasn't necessarily started anything "new." Well, almost nothing. Shortly after I took this picture she rolled onto her back, which she's only done a few times and then rolled back onto her stomach for the FIRST time!! Yah Copper! Momma was so proud. The kid still hates tummy time or laying down at all for that matter. She sits up like a champion and appears to feel that laying down is for sleepy time, not playtime. Since her tummy time tolerance is very low, she has made zero progress towards learning to crawl. My mom is convinced that she may be one of those crazy kids that learns to walk first. She just may be right. Copper also has a bit of first child syndrome and therefor gets carried everywhere and has pretty much constant attention. A perk for coming to work with me to Grandma and Grandpa's house. She still hasn't started teething. Which is fine by me. The past month or so, I've had to start feeding her in seclusion because she gets super distracted by noises and talking. No more feeding her in front of the TV at night and then carrying her up to bed. I now have to feed her in her own room. I did get a little reading light so it's not so bad anymore. I'm flying through books since I can't talk to people anymore during feedings.

So, to sum up 8 months:
-No crawling
-No teeth

Hobbies include:
-Laughing hysterically while hitting us in the face or head or touching our noses and mouths
-Grabbing everything within reach and displacing it
-Drinking (sort of) with a sippy cup
-Sleeping through the entire night like a champ
-Rarely falling over while sitting
-Pooping large solid turds
-Making mommy and daddy the happiest parents ever!

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Big Day

I've been waiting many months for Copper to be big enough to sit in the cart. I hate schlepping her damn car seat in to the stores. Thing weighs a ton. Just 2 days shy of her 8 month birthday we made the plunge and strapped her in. She loved it and had no problems at all. Such a big girl.

Although, now that she's sitting upright, she uses her grabby hands to snatch things off shelves and racks. Including 6 bottles of wine.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sippy Cup

We gave up trying to get Copper to take a bottle about 4-5 months ago. Now it's not worth it at all to even try since they have to give up the bottle at 1 year. So we're starting early with sippy cups. I've just been putting water in them for now since I don't want to waste my precious stock of booby milk while she works the kinks out of her technique. Surprisingly, she's taken to it pretty quick. She gets that she has to open her mouth for the spout and she even started sucking and drinking after about 3 tries. She does best when we're holding the cup, but she also gets the idea of holding it herself. We have to put a lot of water in it since she has to tip it back so far to drink. That seems to be the harder part for her. Maybe someday I won't be her only source of milk. Maybe.