We tried green beans for 4 days with no luck. She even started tucking her lips into a tight mouth when I brought the spoon to her mouth. So tonight we tried sweet potatoes. Unless we were really good at distracting her, the spoon didn't make it past her tight lips. Isn't she too young to already learn those games? I had Aubrey try feeding her too, but that didn't work either. I'm not sure if she's completely ready for food yet, but I really want to get her on probiotics to hopefully help with her poop issues. Food is the only way I can do it. Any advice or tips? She loves watching us eat and drink and seems quite curious about food. How long is it supposed to take before a baby will learn how to swallow food?
Evelyn starting eating rice cereal with a peaches/bananas mixed in at about 5 months. She dug it. Maybe try that mixed with breast milk?