The little shit head refuses to fall asleep the first time I feed her to put her down. It has been 3 nights in a row. I feed her, she falls asleep, I attempt to put her in her bed, she wakes up, she screams like a mad woman until I pick her up, (twice I wasn't even able to get her to her bed since she woke up before I even got up to put her down), I bring her downstairs where she receives a lecture from her Daddy about going to sleep, we all eat dessert together and watch TV, I bring her out on a late walk, at home Aubrey can't fall asleep because we're out late walking, she may or may not fall asleep on the walk, I put her in her bed if she is sleeping from her walk or I feed her again and then put her to bed. Tonight Aubrey begrudgingly took her out for a walk at 9:30. When they got back Aubrey was scowling and Copper was smiling. This has been our evenings between 8 and 10-11. I would like tomorrow night to be different.
:) Can't wait to see her! PS