Note: Sorry that it's taken me so long to get these blogged. Sitting on a chair and typing at the computer just haven't sounded very appealing the past couple days. I also really want to tell the whole story of Copper's birth and I haven't felt like spending the time to type it. I still don't. This will be the cliff notes version.
I started having contractions at about 4am on Friday morning (11-12-10). I went to a scheduled appointment at 11:10am and was at 5cm, but my contractions were irregular and about 6-9 minutes apart so the midwife sent me home. I went back to the birth center at 5:30pm and was already dilated to 9cm. (I'll explain how I made it that long in the unabridged version.) 3 hours later at 8:33pm, the most beautiful little girl ever was born, Copper Jo. I pushed for about 40 minutes. I was a superstar to say the least. The birth went great and I was able to have the natural birth that Aubrey and I wanted.

This is Copper and mommy about 5 minutes post birth.
She came out perfect. Nice round head, no crazy wrinkles, good color...perfect.
She even started nursing within very short order.

While I was being tortured with uterus "massage" and getting my "1" stitch put in, Daddy got to spend time with his little girl. He actually mastered the art of calming her pretty damn fast.

We spent about 5 hours at the birth center after Copper was born. We even milked it a bit by bullshitting with the nurse and overall taking our time. I felt great and Copper and I were good to go. It was nice being able to go home and be in our own bed and house. Overall we spent 8 hours at the birth center.

7lbs 5.5oz
I am soooo thankful that she was a nice average sized baby. I'm pretty sure that anything over 8lbs would have messed with my head for a natural birth.
Thanks Copper!

Pictures just don't do her justice. She is so beautiful and cute and perfect.
Aubrey and I made a damn good lookin' baby.
We love you Copper Jo!