Friday, November 5, 2010

Week 39 Appointment: The Vag Exam

We went in for our 39 week appointment today (which is closer to 39 weeks and 4 days). I had the option to have my cervix checked and for the first time in my life, gladly accepted the exam. When I talked to Kellie yesterday, she said that she was already dilated at 37 weeks. That made me very interested to see where I was at. I had no idea that I could already be dilated. As of about 11:00 this morning I am dilated to 2cm and am 50% effaced. We also decided to have the midwife sweep my membranes. That's where she uses her finger to help detach the amniotic sac from the cervix. This can help speed up the process. Since we're hoping to have a baby by the end of next week, we were on board. I was a bit nervous about the pain of being poked, prodded, and swept, but it wasn't bad at all. Maybe this is a precursor to a pain free natural birth. (Don't worry, I won't get my hopes up.)


  1. That sweeping things sounds kinda gross.:)
    Whoo-hoo! Only 8 more cm to go!

  2. Sweeping? Where do they come up with this stuff? Is that natural? So much has changed since I had my babies :) Good luck to ya darlin, praying your labor is swift and all goes well. Talked to g-pa Walt today and he's really excited for Copper to get here. Luv and Hugs my darlin Sarah Aunt Pat

  3. The membrane sweeping releases some kind of chemical that can help the cervix along. It starts with a "p", but I can't remember the word. This chemical can also be found naturally in semen.
