When Aubrey and I went on our last camping trip, he came up with a middle name for Copper; Jo. It's a little bit hick, but we both love the sound of it with Copper.
We gave it a few weeks to sink in and we liked it more and more every day. (Although lately it's been making me think of the Adam Sandler song,
Sloppy Jo.) Another middle name we were toying with was Jane. My Grandpa Walt always calls me Sarah Jane (which is not my middle name) and I kind of liked it with Copper also. But Jo seemed to win out. So, our little girls name will be "Copper Jo Godwin." If the last name is throwing you off and you're now wondering if Aubrey is the father, don't be alarmed, he is. Godwin is Aubrey's Grand-dad's last name. Aubrey currently has his step-father's name. Aubrey has been talking about changing his last name to Godwin for quite a few years, but he's never gotten around to it. We were hoping to have it changed by the time we got married, but that didn't happen either. Since we can put whatever name we want on Copper's birth certificate, we put Godwin. Aubrey will eventually have that last name and it will save us from changing Copper's last name down the road. For the time being, we will be the Cundall-Strong-Godwin family.
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