Well, today is our estimated due date and Copper has decided to hang out a bit longer. Aubrey and I decided to do the stereotypical thing to speed things up and go out for mexican food. Unfortunately I can't do too spicy, but we'll see. I did get a chimichanga, so maybe the extra grease with do the trick. After I get done blogging we're going to get our birth bag packed. I'm ready for our little girl to come any day. I no longer need more time. She's acting like a crazy woman in my tummy right now. I think she's trying to claw her way out. I had crazy Braxton Hicks contractions all day also. Maybe my next post will be a baby picture.
This reminds me of my due date 20 years ago.. have a photo of me sitting on the edge of our hot tub (in a bathing suit no less..) Cannot wait to hold that little girl! Good luck to you guys.. hope it all works the way you want it to! Much love, VickieB