Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wait! Don't throw that away.

For the past two weeks I have been consuming my placenta. We first heard about it at the birthing center in one of our classes. We decided to become part of the 25% of birth center mommy's to try it. While some women will actually blend their placenta into a smoothie type concoction, we chose to have mine encapsulated. (I'm not quite that hard core.) Some of the benefits include: increased milk production, reduced risk of postpartum hemorrhage, decreased "baby blues", lower incidence of anemia, and better energy overall. I didn't start taking them until about 4 days after baby (it's a 2-3 day turn around), at which point I hadn't had any mood swings, had not shed any tears, and my milk had come in full force. I have pretty much been able to go all day long without naps and I've been feeling really well physically and emotionally. Not too sure if any of that is because of the pills, but maybe it is. It wasn't that expensive to have done and there aren't any reasons to not consume my placenta (well, other than the obvious, that it's kind of weird). Aubrey thought that I would have placenta burps, but I don't.

Here's the website of the women who did my placenta.

1 comment:

  1. OK Sarah, you got me on this one. I saw Ben's placenta and just about chucked right there on the delivery table.
