I thought that babies immediately took to bottles and pacifiers. I've seen those baby shows on TLC. Pacifier in the mouth on the way home...Struggling mom gives baby a bottle on day 4. I have a friend who's daughter took neither and Aubrey and I always wrote that off as parent error. Paybacks are a bitch. We tried the first bottle feeding at about 3 weeks and then read you should wait until after 4 weeks to avoid nipple confusion. Now we think we should have tried sooner. Copper loves boobie and I doubt that she would abandon me. After two very unsuccessful tries at the bottle, we researched a bit and found out that we were doing it all wrong. It made sense to us to try to bottle feed when she was hungry and that I would do it since I always fed her. Wrong. Mommy = boobie, not bottle. So apparently baby expects boobie from mommy and is less likely to take a bottle from her. Waiting till they are hungry is also bad because then they will be fussy. So on the third try, Aubrey gave her the bottle about an hour before boobie time. After about 45 minutes of Copper pleasantly declining she finally latched on. Mission accomplished, right? Wrong again. Aubrey was able to successfully bottle feed her small amounts on 2 other occasions, but she is once again protesting. Grandma Strong was trying to feed her yesterday and Copper was looking at her and talking and smiling. With the bottle in her mouth. No sucking. We've tried 4 different nipples. The only one that she has taken to is the Dr. Brown's bottle, but as mentioned, has since turned it down. I have a haircut and color this Friday and a Ladies Lunch in two weekends. I would like to be able to have more of these outings. Copper Jo Jo just loves her mommy too much. Or is it that she hates me?
*I uploaded the pictures for this post on Dec 22 before heading to Texas. I never got around to doing the post in Texas. I finally got it posted on January 13th. The Dec 22 post would have been about successfully bottle feeding Copper. Good thing I waited.
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