Thursday, April 8, 2010

Boy or Girl?

Aubrey got some stellar advice from a coworker last week about finding out if we're going to have a boy or girl. He swears that it was accurate for both his kids and everyone he knows that has tried it. Apparently the Chinese have it all figured out. But after the first two web sites said that we're having a girl, Aubrey kept searching until we were told otherwise. Which is what the next three sites did.

I just tried a bunch of different sites and in the order that I went to each site, this was the outcome:

According to, we're having a girl.
According to, we're having a girl.
According to, we're having a boy.
According to, we're having a girl.
According to, we're having a boy.
And according to, we're having a boy.

Aubrey had even found one site that said at my age, I have a 50-50 chance of having a boy., it's definitely a boy!


  1. I think it's a boy, but what do I know???? You know there is actually an at home test that you can do, hang on I'll google ya go let me know what it says!!! Also, if you have a boy you are gonna name it Ryan...right,right?

  2. Your family and naming their kids after people. Geez. We like to joke about naming the kid Aubrey. Boy or girl, it works. ;) Same goes for Rian. Kind of wierd.

  3. It will be so nice when you definitely find out the sex of my grandchild. No more searching the web to find out who has it figured out. But then Aubrey may want a redo if the first pictures show "Here is your daughter".

  4. Sorry Sarah. I did it again. Will I ever get this figured out?

  5. LOL I love reading this blog and I can picture Aubrey on the computer getting excited everytime it says its a boy!! Can't wait to see you!
