Saturday, May 1, 2010

160 BPM

Last Monday I had my first appointment with the midwife. The most exciting part of this visit was not having my blood drawn, the extensive family medical history, or talking about prenatal vitamins, it was hearing our little guy's heart beat. Way too cool! Too bad Aubrey couldn't be there to hear it to. Thankfully there was only one heart beat. Apparently there are a lot if twins on my Grandma Donna's side. I was very glad to hear that I wasn't the one who got that twin bearing gene. So far so good. There was a bit of anxiety going into the appointment knowing that there would be the possibility of not hearing a heart beat. If you read my sister in law's blog, "A day in the Life of a Moody Person," you'll understand the fear. Thankfully that anxiety has been put to rest. The visit went well. I was told that I should gain between 25-35 pounds. We'll see how that goes. Otherwise, not much to report. I go back again in 4 weeks for a 16 week appointment. At 20 weeks I get an ultrasound and we finally get to find out if our baby has a penis.

Quote of the day from the visit:
"Is there a class for husbands on how not to be a smart ass during delivery?"

I see a strong need for it, but no, there isn't.

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