Sunday, May 30, 2010
It IS time to hit the maternity stores. The day after I posted the comment about "some" of my clothes not fitting, I went through my shorts drawer to find that I had one, yes one, pair of shorts that still fit. I went shopping the next day. While I did pick up a couple items that were maternity, I found that there are a lot of cute elastic banded shorts and capris out there that should work for most of the summer. All the in-style tank tops that are billowy and loose in the belly also work really well. I like being able to buy clothes that I can wear during the pregnancy and after. Now I need to sort through all of my pants and shorts and put aside all those that don't fit and make room for my new wardrobe. I would like to send a little shout-out to Target for having really cute and inexpensive clothes. Thanks Target.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Racin' Baby
Little Trucker had his very first motorcycle ride today! I think he liked it and will grow up to love motorcycles.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Week 15 - In My Skivvies

This past week seemed to be a break through week. I can stay up 'til 10:00 reading, I'm no longer tired at night, and I don't feel sick when I'm hungry. Must be smooth sailing from here!
I haven't been posting as often as I thought I would so far in the pregnancy. After having the reassurance of hearing the heart beat at 12 weeks, I've kind of quit reading the pregnancy books and I haven't had any strong feelings about being pregnant. I guess that the newness is over and I feel fine, so it really doesn't feel that different. I'm not worried about anything and I'm not over excited. I'm just normal. All is well. I am supposed to answer some questions for my midwife about how I feel about the pregnancy and having a baby and I was supposed to do a food journal. (This is all due by next Tuesday's appointment.) I haven't even looked at the information packet I was given at 12 weeks. I'm not doing anything stupid, I eat fairly well, I get some form of exercise almost everyday, and I feel good. Aubrey and I are comfortable with our situation and ready to have a kid. I guess I can't explain why I'm not more interested in learning everything there is to know about pregnancy. I'm just rolling with it.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Week 12 Profile Pic

Don't forget to vote on if we're having a boy or a girl!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
160 BPM
Last Monday I had my first appointment with the midwife. The most exciting part of this visit was not having my blood drawn, the extensive family medical history, or talking about prenatal vitamins, it was hearing our little guy's heart beat. Way too cool! Too bad Aubrey couldn't be there to hear it to. Thankfully there was only one heart beat. Apparently there are a lot if twins on my Grandma Donna's side. I was very glad to hear that I wasn't the one who got that twin bearing gene. So far so good. There was a bit of anxiety going into the appointment knowing that there would be the possibility of not hearing a heart beat. If you read my sister in law's blog, "A day in the Life of a Moody Person," you'll understand the fear. Thankfully that anxiety has been put to rest. The visit went well. I was told that I should gain between 25-35 pounds. We'll see how that goes. Otherwise, not much to report. I go back again in 4 weeks for a 16 week appointment. At 20 weeks I get an ultrasound and we finally get to find out if our baby has a penis.
Quote of the day from the visit:
"Is there a class for husbands on how not to be a smart ass during delivery?"
I see a strong need for it, but no, there isn't.
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