Monday, February 22, 2010

The Story of Little F#&$er

On January 12th Aubrey and I exchanged some texts about our upcoming trip to Estes Park. Since the trip fell right after the sweet spot of my ovulating, we knew that I may have to cut my hot tub soaks a bit short.

Aubrey: "No hot tub for you!"

Me: "I'll just fry the little f#&$er!"

And that is the story of our sweet future child's nickname.

I think that our experience over the weekend (as you probably read on Big Black Dog) proves that I am pregnant and that the Little F#&$er just got his revenge.


  1. "His" revenge...are you subconsciously hoping for a boy?? Sounds like you could me prego!!

  2. Ther is no subconscious about it. We WILL have a boy.

  3. Just for that comment, you'll have twin girls!!!

  4. Just recitals, cheerleading competitions, makeup, monthly periods and peer pressure from teenage boys!

  5. Yeah, really sassy, bossy, mouthy little girls who steal your make-up, put nail polish on furniture and repeat every profanity that you utter :) (oh, wait, that's my world) Ok, j/k... keeping my fingers crossed for a boy, a little daredevil who will love his mama more than anything in the world! p.s. they sell HPT's at the Dollar Store.

  6. If I'm not pregnant, I may get back on birth control. The risks are just too high.
