Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Advice from Mom

Since you've all been tracking my ovulation schedule on your calendars, you know that I'm right at the end of that sweet spot of the month. Aubrey and I have done what needs to be done ;) and now we wait (well maybe one more night for good measure). This weekend we're going up to Estes Park for a long weekend vacation. I believe that pregnancy tests can now work within a few days of getting pregnant. I'm torn on whether or not we should just wait and see or do a test this weekend. My thoughts behind this are: I'm pretty excited to know and if I'm not, then I may as well endulge in a little (meaning more than a little) wine this weekend and I can soak in the hot tub 'til I pass out. When I brought up the idea of taking a pregnancy test to my mom this afternoon, she looked at me like I had two heads and then told me to just wait and find out naturally (meaning see if Aunt Flo visits next month) and to enjoy myself and have some wine this weekend. That last bit of advice made us both laugh. I kind of thought that I would only have some wine if I weren't pregnant. So if I am pregnant and I enjoy a "few" glasses of wine this weekend and my kid comes out with one eye and God forbid twelve toes, then it was my mom's bad advice that caused it.


  1. You made my evening! Enjoy the wine.

  2. Have a few glasses of wine and enjoy yourself! Maybe a couple more nights of "enjoying yourself" for good measure as well. I laughed out loud when I read the 12 toes part!!!

  3. uh sarah, you pretty much know your kid is gunna have 12 toes ;)

  4. practice, practice, practice
