Saturday, January 12, 2013


Tonight was the first time in Copper's life that I put her to bed without nursing her first. For the past 26 months, Copper has had boob almost every night. I've only been nursing her for nap time and bedtime for almost a year. Giving up those has been near impossible. She has a very strong association between boob and sleeping. We've tried in the past to have Aubrey put her to bed while I'm home and she has always flipped out and wanted me. So I had just kind of resolved to always put her to bed. Aubrey has been able to put her to bed and down for nap when I'm not home, but ONLY if I'm not home. That isn't very often. Maybe 4-5 times total. I don't have any issues with her still nursing. It would be nice to not have to nurse to get her to go to bed, but to us it's no big deal. It's interesting to look back at my pregnancy and  being a mom and my thoughts about breastfeeding. Early in my pregnancy I thought I would nurse about 4 months or so. The more I got immersed in the birthing center and having a natural birth I knew that I would try to nurse through her first year. Towards the end of that first year (knowing Copper's profound love of the boob) I figured that I would probably end up nursing her till she was two. As two came closer I thought that I would maybe go until she weaned herself. After a major meltdown last night after she fell asleep on the boob and then lost her shit after I pried my boob out of her clenched jaw and she woke up, Aubrey suggested that I try getting her off the boob to make night time a little more "normal." So tonight I told her many times as she was getting ready for bed and while we were reading books that she wasn't going to have boob after reading and that she was going to get in her bed. We finished reading and she asked for boob and grabbed at my shirt. I told her no boob and diverted her attention to picking out some books for in her bed. She fussed just a bit and then grabbed some books. I put her in bed and sang the songs that I always sing at the end of boob time and then I said good night and left the room. That went much much better than anticipated. It's possible that I just may have reclaimed my boobs. Knock on wood.

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