I forgot to take this pic on Friday, which is the day that I've taken all the other profile pics. So, I'm actually about 21 weeks and 4 days here. I like my belly. When I eat and get full, I don't have to try and suck it in anymore. Being pregnant has it's advantages. Aubrey likes to tap on my belly like it's a fish tank.
When we had the ultrasound the other week, the technician said that our little lady weighs about 15 ounces. When I consulted my week-by-week book, it said that at 20 weeks the kid should weigh about 7 ounces. Hmmm. She better not be a big baby. I have a pain med-free birth to think about here.
Not that I'm paying too much attention to the details, but your hair looks fabulous!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I cut it all off again. There is some bed-head going on there, but it's back to short and choppy.
ReplyDeleteI had two pain-med free births, you can do it Sarah, pray for short labor! How come I can't figure out how to comment on this page?
ReplyDeleteRE above post...I was just trying to figure out how to post a comment under a name for my aunt. I thought I would be able to delete the post. Guess not.
ReplyDeleteYou can do it med free...if you don't have a balance ball already, I would highly recommend it, both for taking the pressure off your back during pregnancy; and for laboring on...I swear it helped me. Also, prenatal yoga is awesome!