Umm...Nevermind the last post?
Because...I'M PREGNANT!

So, turns out that everyone who told me that the symptoms of being pregnant and PMS are the same, were absolutely correct. I was so convinced that I was having PMS, that when I saw the ever so slightest amount of blood I was positive that I wasn't pregnant. (I believe that's called implantation bleeding. My friend Kellie had just told me her story about that bleeding last Sunday, the day before my "Screw you aunt Flo" post.) But then when I didn't bleed anymore at all for two days we decided to go ahead and take a test. (Thanks Ellen for the Dollar Store pregnancy tests!) As you can see it was positive!
When I called my sister-in-law, Rian, to tell her the news, she got online to check out the due date and I am due November 8th. Which is also Aubrey's Grandma's Birthday. Considering that Rian's Birthday is Nov 10th and her son's Birthday is Nov. 17th, I have this feeling that our son just may take after Aubrey.
According to the online due date calculator I am about 4 weeks pregnant (even though based off when we did the baby making, I'm only 3 weeks) and the baby is about the size of a poppy seed.
Because I'm blogging this whole adventure, you're all hearing about it WAY before it's generally safe to tell people. According to, I should have waited until May 10th (at 14 weeks) to make the big announcement. I couldn't even imagine waiting that long! Kellie managed to wait a ridiculously long amount of time before telling people to make sure that everything was good to go. I just don't have that in me. Which you can probably tell since I posted that I wasn't pregnant just 2 days before I found out that I was pregnant. :)
I took the test Wednesday morning before leaving on a 2-day snowshoe trip. It was kind of weird not being able to see Aubrey 'til late the next day. I waited to do this post until we made the appropriate phone calls to certain family and friends. I do still need to call my grandparents, so don't spill the beans yet to Donna and Gerald and Walt and Elaine. For the Meeves side, I'm going to wait and tell them in person when I go back to Iowa next week. The Strong's will find out today.
So far I feel fine. Although I swear I'm already showing.
I've actually been working on a theory for the past few months that one (meaning me) will gain weight in anticipation of becoming pregnant so that the belly skin doesn't have to stretch as much.
Congratulations to my friends Erin, who is about 11 weeks pregnant,
and Shelly, who is about 8 weeks pregnant!
May you each get fatter than me!
Lucy is SOOO excited to have a cousin... we hope it all works out perfectly!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Sarah & Aubrey! I'm so excited for you. Let me know if you need anything or want to chat about it. You're going to be a terrific Mom! I'm coming home in April for Erin's baby shower (she's due July 28), maybe we can grab lunch.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Sarah! Guess you won't be having a drink with me this weekend:) Here come the twin girls!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is so exciting! Congratulations. You are one fertle mertle missy! So glad you didn't have to blog about aunt flo for months on end.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Eat what ever you want! :)
Love you!
OMG! I told you to practice, practice, practice! Oh well, don't listen to me. (AM SO EXCITED, CONGRATULATIONS!!!)