Monday, May 6, 2013

"I Copper Jo."

Copper is almost two and a half years old. Over the past month she has become quite social. Her play with Lucy and other older kids has become very interactive. On two different occasions, I've spied Copper introducing herself to other kids at the store. She sees a kid, walks up to him, points to herself and says, "I Copper Jo." So far it hasn't resulted in any lasting friendships or even much of a reciprocation on the other child's part, but it's awesome on her part. We may need to teach her some follow-up questions for the situations when the other child just stares at her. On a different occasion she spotted a couple little girls playing and she joined right in and tagged along. It's really cute to watch. But if any of those kiddos ever hurts my little girl's feelings, I swear I will kick their little asses.

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