Friday, February 1, 2013

Mama, Poop.

We've been half assed working on potty training Copper for a few months now. She's been very receptive to using her toilet, but only uses it when her diaper is off. So, she spends a lot of time naked from the waste down. While she's running about a 75-85% success rate at making it to her potty to do her business, there are those moments when she gets caught up in the moment and well, shit happens.

(Note: No, that is not poop around her mouth. Yes, that is poop on the baby dolls arm.)


  1. Not sure how to comment on this one but I'm laughing out loud. about 'Copper's new hair cut looks great':)

    1. Yeah, this pretty much cracks me up every time I look at it. My kid's crazy.

      Haircut...I know, it turned out super cute! Did it myself.
