Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Let the Terrible 2s begin!

 Copper Jo turned 2 yesterday!

For a few reasons we didn't do anything big for her Birthday, but we did go out to eat at Macaroni Grill and even ordered off the kid's menu (which we never do since Copper only eats about 2% of one of those meals) and then at home she opened her presents from Aubrey and I and her Great Grandparents Jaci & Phil, and then we ate cake. Copper even tried to blow out her own candles (I have video and will try to get it posted soon). It was a nice night and she'll be able to celebrate a mini Birthday at Thanksgiving with Derek & Lisa, and Grandma Cindy & Paca Dave.

She's taking turning 2 very seriously. We went to the playground today and she is hell bent on doing everything by herself. She went down all the slides be herself, including the big spiral tube slide, and climbed all the ladders. If I touched her she would push my hands away and say no. She's getting so independent and physically and mentally capable of so many things. With the maturity of a 2 year old, she has recently been pretty good at entertaining herself. It's about freakin' time. She can work the iPad, brush her own teeth (sort of), run, jump, somersault, communicate what she wants, and look mischievous while doing things she knows she's not supposed to. She's started to draw faces and holds the pencil like a big kid. She knows some of her colors. She has started to pretend play with her toys. She can say "I don't know" and combines it with a great shoulder shrug. 

We have an amazing little girl. 

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