I'm pretty sure that I will regret not taking many profile pictures for this pregnancy. Especially since I'm hyper convinced that I am WAY bigger this time around than I was with Copper. So this is my first profile shot taken at 30 weeks. Just over 2 months to go (holy shit!). I did see a woman at the grocery store the other day that was kind of built like me and she was way bigger, so I guess there is still more room to grow. When I sit down on the couch at night it just doesn't seem like my belly can get any bigger. I sure hope my boobs don't get any bigger. Turns out that I definitely prefer little boobies to big ones (by "big ones" I mean a solid B cup). So far I have not experienced any swelling at all. Rings and shoes still fit. I've gained about 27 pounds which is more that I was hoping for, but I'm totally okay with it. Knowing that the best diet ever is coming soon, makes the weight gain bearable. (I'm referring to the breast feeding diet, in case you were wondering. It consists of spending large amounts of time on your ass with a baby attached to one boob or the other sucking all of the calories out of your body. It worked wonders after Copper was born. I got screwed after Hawk was born and was forced to lose that baby weight the old fashioned way. Which is why I kept most of it on.) At 30 weeks I'm feeling great. My lower back kills whenever I'm a bit too active, but a day or so of rest usually helps. The little guy is pretty active. I love feeling him move. It is the best feeling ever. All is well.