This tall little lady turned 16 months old two days ago. This past week whenever I look at her and watch her walk around with such confidence, I am amazed at how big she is. She's not a baby anymore, she's a full fledged toddler. Her sausage feet and lego hands are both gone. In their place are beautiful, slim toddler feet and hands. She has 8+ teeth which she hates me brushing. She can (almost) pull her pants down all by herself. She likes to go down slides and climb up and down steps. She loves playing outside. She still doesn't talk much (other than some pretty serious babbling), but says "dumb" all the time. She knows the signs for "bubbles," "more," "ball," and "music," and would know even more if I taught her. If you ask her to go and get something she'll do it. She knows where her eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, head, hair, and ears are. She's still way freakin needy and loves more than anything to hold on to your finger and just walk.